I will not help the terrorists’ recruitment pitch by waving my hands. I firmly exercise the right to choose where to focus my attention.
If we must focus on death, why don’t we focus on something within the realm of our control? Did you know that a recent study of 75 cities concluded that a 10-μg/m3 increase in springtime particulate air pollution leads to a 2.9% difference in mortality? Did you know that according to recently published epidemiological research of stillbirths in Ohio, the risk of fetal death in the third trimester of pregnancy increases by 42% in areas of high particulate air pollution? Did you know that you probably didn’t read about that cause of death in the newspapers, but you certainly will read all about some zany act in some place you have no power over for days on end? Did you know who chose which story to publish?
Don’t let violent terrorists and their media companions convert your public fear into their next sales pitch. Focus on the harm you have the power to abate.